Brown discharge pregnancy is a common concern among pregnant women. Most of the time, it is nothing to be worried about, but in some conditions brown discharge pregnancy is a serious medical issue and the first thing you have to do is calling your doctor.
What is Brown Color Discharge during Pregnancy?
Vaginal discharge may appear in brownish color during pregnancy. Old blood turned into brown color that didn’t exit at the proper time and during pregnancy, brown discharge occurs to expel old blood and other by products from the womb themselves.
Brown color discharge during pregnancy can occur in both normal and concerning situations. This article will help you to determine when you should worry and when it’s normal.
Normal Brown Discharge Pregnancy Signs:
Here are the likely causes for brown discharge while you are pregnant, but you do not have to worry about that.
Implantation Bleeding
Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg attaches into the lining of your uterus as the first sign of pregnancy.
Your uterine lining is filled with blood vessels and these blood vessels disrupt resulting light brown discharge during pregnancy; typically within 10 to 14 days of ovulation.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy is a normal cause for brown discharge. The surge of estrogen during pregnancy increases the sensitivity of your cervix due to increased blood flow.
This results brown discharge due to movements like pelvic exam and sex.
Old Blood from a Previous Menstrual Cycle
Brown discharge may occur during early pregnancy, due to expelling old blood from a previous menstrual cycle, which gets oxidized as it ages.
This is a common sign during early pregnancy. But, it can be also a sign of a problem such as vaginal infections.
Gynecological Examinations
Brown discharge occurs due to gynecological examinations such as pelvic exam. During pregnancy, blood flow and sensitivity of the cervix is increased resulting minor irritations from the examination.
Mucus discharge
Mucus plug is a barrier to protect any bacteria from getting into the uterus. During last trimester, you may experience losing your mucus plug.
When the body gets ready to go into labor, cervix become soften and the mucus plug begins to discharge in brown color.
Reasons to Worry About Brown Spotting:
While there are normal causes of brown discharge during pregnancy, there are some serious causes you have to worry about brown discharge and pregnancy.
During pregnancy, your vagina or cervix can be infected with bacterial infections such as Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Brown discharge or spotting is a sign of these infections.
At this point, amniotic fluid releases due to water breaking and increases the risk of preterm birth and premature birth. Your doctor can confirm the infection and treat you with antibiotics if necessary.
A miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks. Brown discharge is the most common sign of a miscarriage.
Cramping and pain in your lower abdomen are other signs of miscarriage that occur after brown discharge.
Although brown discharge is common during first trimester of pregnancy, occurring other symptoms along with brown discharge and early pregnancy can be due to a miscarriage.
Abnormal pregnancy
There are two types of abnormal pregnancies you can experience during pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can occur very early in pregnancy, when fertilized egg implants outside the uterus.
Early brown discharge pregnancy along with abdominal or pelvic pain and shoulder pain are common signs of ectopic pregnancy. Molar pregnancy is developing fertilized egg into a mole instead of normal embryo.
Brown color discharge as early as 6 weeks, severe nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramping are symptoms to worry about molar pregnancy.
Preterm Labor
Brown discharge is a potential sign of preterm labor, especially later in the pregnancy, but before week 37. Other symptoms include backache, abdominal cramps, pressure in the pelvis and water breaking.
If you are experiencing these symptoms along with brown color discharge during pregnancy, you should meet a doctor as soon as possible.
Placenta previa/ Low-lying Placenta
Placenta previa is a significant brown discharge pregnancy sign that you have to worry during pregnancy. The placenta often attaches at the top or on the side of the uterus.
But sometimes, it attaches low in the uterus and covers the cervix partially or completely. This leads to brown discharge during the pregnancy or after delivery due to covered cervix.
When to See a Doctor?
Experiencing brown discharge pregnancy with no other symptoms is a normal situation and not a cause to worry about.
But, if you experience brown discharge along with other symptoms such as abdominal or pelvic pain, shoulder pain and nausea during pregnancy, you should contact your doctor immediately as a preventive action.